Fine Arts
In addition to academic excellence, Gwynedd-Mercy Academy provides a culturally-enriched program. All students take music, art and public speaking (grades 5-8) classes, while piano, voice and instrumental music lessons are available. Each year, all students at Gwynedd-Mercy Academy have the opportunity to participate in an arts performance. Kindergarten has its celebration program, 1st grade acts out the Christmas Story at the Family Prayer Service, and grades 2-5 perform in school arts festivals. Grades 6-8 participate in the annual school musical, in which the 8th graders are the main stage characters, and the 6th and 7th graders have the opportunity to sing and dance in the chorus.
The school's arts festivals are cross-curricular activities involving social studies, language arts, library research, music and physical education. The Fine Arts Department plan a arts activities that encompasses topics from each grade's field of study. As an added feature, research projects are often on view in the gallery for visitors to peruse.
The annual school show, a musical or musical revue, is directed and produced by the Music Teacher. In addition, the talents of our Dance and Art teachers are used to stage the show, choreographing dance numbers and supervising the students as they design and build stage sets.
Although the arts performance element is important in terms of receiving a culturally-enriched education, it is also critical to developing poise in front of an audience and a sense of confidence when speaking in public.