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Women of Hope Meal Outreach

Sisters of Mercy Critical Concern Spotlight: Women - Through our schools, colleges, healthcare institutions and spirituality centers, and through our legislative advocacy, we give special attention to women’s education, health and spirituality.

Mercy Connections is providing GMA families the opportunity to ”Care with Mercy” for the Women of Hope shelter in Philadelphia.

Sign Up Genius Link to participate in the Women of Hope meal outreachWomen of Hope provides a temporary home to women experiencing homelessness. Currently, 26 residents are provided with housing, personal care, social activities and resources for healthcare services—with the goal of supporting the women until they are able to move to permanent housing or to other supported housing.

Families are encouraged to create a hearty meal for the ladies that the shelter can have on-hand for dinnertime.

  • Every week, a grade will be asked to:
  • Buying ingredients for a casserole
  • Prepare the casserole
  • Consider having students make notes or placemats for the women to enjoy with your donated meal
  • Deliver the meal to the Women of Hope (located at 4th &Vine, Philadelphia-parking at St. Augustine’s)

Each grade will have two opportunities in the cycle to participate. Every week, we will look to provide a total of four casseroles. Please click on the Sign Up Genius link for more details and to sign up. GMA Parents’ Organization Mercy Connection Liaison, Mrs. Mika Lisewski, will contact you after you sign up with more details for the delivery. If you have any questions please contact or