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School Policies and Contacts

Important Contacts

Times/Schedules:  Students should arrive in homerooms between 7:45 AM and 8:10 AM. Dismissal begins at 3:10 PM.

How to Report an Absence: Parents must report a child’s absence in the morning of the day of absence by 9:00 AM and follow up with a written note to the homeroom teacher upon the child’s return to school.

Lateness: Parents who arrive with their child after 8:10 AM (faculty and staff are no longer outside) should park at the B door in carline and accompany their child to the main office.

How to Pick Up Early: 

Early student pick up notification to the Main Office ( and the Homeroom Teacher should take place before the start of the school day.

  • NO early pick ups can occur after 2:50 PM as this disrupts the end-of day routine and dismissal process.
  • In case of an unexpected early pick up, it is still necessary to email the Main Office (215-646-4916) and the Homeroom Teacher.

School Closures/Delays:

If a situation necessitates early dismissal or school closure, K12 Alerts will be activated for each family.  Alerts are sent to all families simultaneously. All closures will be posted on the home page of the GMA website. Parents must keep K12 contact information updated at

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